I have noticed that outside of Silicon Valley, the engineering managers and tech leadership are all midwits. This is why the profitability of technology companies outside of SV is an order of magnitude lower than the ones in SV. The midwits are not just lacking ability, rather they think they are the topmost world tech leaders, and that their ideas are the best in the world. I worked at several locations, so I can tell their ideas are amateur. If the non-SV companies could avoid promoting midwits into engineering leadership, they could perform better. Midwits infiltrating leadership happens more in less competitive markets, and more traditional thinking populations. So it's not that everyone is dumb in the countryside, rather people in the countryside are more permissive of midwit deceptive behaviors, through misplaced respect.
Really good article.
I have noticed that outside of Silicon Valley, the engineering managers and tech leadership are all midwits. This is why the profitability of technology companies outside of SV is an order of magnitude lower than the ones in SV. The midwits are not just lacking ability, rather they think they are the topmost world tech leaders, and that their ideas are the best in the world. I worked at several locations, so I can tell their ideas are amateur. If the non-SV companies could avoid promoting midwits into engineering leadership, they could perform better. Midwits infiltrating leadership happens more in less competitive markets, and more traditional thinking populations. So it's not that everyone is dumb in the countryside, rather people in the countryside are more permissive of midwit deceptive behaviors, through misplaced respect.